Ice Cream Treats ($1/each)
- Drumstick Ice Cream Cone (variety)
- Klondike
Chocolate covered Mint "square"
- Klondike Heath
- Outshine Pineapple
- Outshine Raspberry
or Strawberry
- Outshine Coconut
- Kemps Ice Cream Sandwhich
- Hagen Das - out of stock
Treats - Assorted soda / $1
- Assorted Gatorade / $1
- Ring Pops (50 cents)
- Tootsie
Pops (50 cents)
- Hershey chocolate bar ( $1)
- Frozen KitKat
- Frozen Reeses Peanut Butter Cups
- Milky
Way, snickers, Twix
- Theater size box candy ($2)
Grocery & Pantry
Items for Sale - Chips/Pringles
- Boxed Mac and Cheese
- Charcoal and ligher fluid
- Cooking
Oil - out of stock
- Foil & plastic storage
- Paper towels
- Air freshioners
- Soap (dishwasher
tabs, hand soap, Dawn)
- Salt and pepper
- Cinnamon
- Sugar
- peanut butter
- Sunscreen &
Aloe gel
- Bug Spray
- First Aid supplies
- Small Batteries
- Marshmellos
- Hershey bars
- Graham
- Ketchup
- Spicy Mustard
Live Bait for sale. Typically
stocked starting around June 1st through mid-September. Email for current
supply - Night Crawlers
- Leeches in different sizes (seasonal) - out of stock
Water ($2.50) Bagged Cube ice $3.00/5 lb bag